Texture and Transformation: Sustainable Weaving Exhibition from Food Waste to Art Extended Until March 8

05 Mart 2025 Çarşamba

The Texture and Transformation: From Food Waste to Art exhibition, which continues at the Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University Faculty of Fine Arts Exhibition Hall, presents nearly 60 works created by Dr. Lecturer Pakize Dübuş Kayadibi over the past four years, combining food waste peels with weaving techniques.

Food waste—every piece of food that goes from our tables to the trash—is not just a discarded material; it also represents wasted water, energy, and labor. Each artwork in this exhibition invites us to consume more consciously, reduce waste, and respect the natural cycle.

The transformation of materials considered waste into art reminds us that everything can be repurposed, and a sustainable world is possible.

We invite you to be part of this transformation.