Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University, Faculty of Fine Arts, was established on 31/01/2005 in accordance with the additional article 30 of the law numbered 2809 dated 28/03/1983. The Department of Painting and Department of Musicology were opened within the faculty on 13/03/2008, the Department of Ceramics on 10/03/2010, the Department of Visual Communication Design, the Department of Cartoon - Animation and the Department of Traditional Turkish Arts on 8/12/2010 in accordance with article 7/d-2 of the Law numbered 2547 of the Council of Higher Education as amended by Law numbered 2880. The construction of the faculty building was completed in December 2010 and in the 2011-2012 academic year, 25 students were admitted to the Painting Main Art Branch and 9 students to the Ceramics Main Art Branch through a special talent exam and education was started. In the meeting of the General Assembly of Higher Education dated 24/04/2019, in accordance with Article 7/d-2 of Law No. 2547, Amended by Law No. 2880;
a) Changing the name of the Visual Communication Department to the Graphics Department, and the name of the Visual Communication Design Department to the Graphics Department (Number: 79594239-101.03.01/E.31844),
b) Changing the name of the Music Sciences Department to the Music Department, and the name of the Music Sciences Department to the Music Department (Number: 79594239-101.03.01/E.31844) was deemed appropriate,
Again, in the meeting of the General Assembly of Higher Education dated 24/04/2019, in accordance with Article 7/d-2 of Law No. 2547, Amended by Law No. 2880, it was deemed appropriate to open a Department of Basic Art Education and a Department of Basic Art Education affiliated to this department (Number: 75850160-101.03.01- E.32735).
The Faculty of Fine Arts continues its education and scientific/artistic activities with 2 Professors, 13 Associate Professors, 11 Assistant Professors, 1 Lecturer, 1 Research Assistant and 1 foreign Associate Professor contracted academic staff, as well as 7 administrative staff, 1 computer technician and 3 assistant staff.
As of 2023-24, the total number of registered students is 293, including 127 in the Painting Department, 34 in the Ceramics Department, 29 in the Traditional Turkish Arts Department and 103 in Musicology.